Original Oil Paintings
Kimvalrie Art Studio
56 Maria Drive
Holmes, NY 12531
Kimvalrie is a Taiwan-born American self-taught artist, who packed up
her legal practice for a healthier lifestyle and turned to art creation in
early 2022.
Kim (short for Kimvalrie) practices a heavily dialectic and empathetic
style of philosophical thinking. Each of her artworks conveys multi-
layered messages. Highly interested in history and anthropology, Kim’s
artworks internalize Western, African and East Asian cultural elements
& concepts, and explore shared human nature.
Kim’s portraits often depict a person’s feelings and emotions when living
in treacherous surroundings and cautiously seeking justice and truth.
Some of Kim’s works demonstrate her whimsical humor. She creates
surrealistic landscape paintings, where she lets her imagination run wild.
Kim also writes modern, bilingual poems that are alongside some of her
Color foil tape and color foil paper is particularly featured in Kim’s art.
Such a medium generates flowy changing colors as a viewer moves in
the space to view the artworks from different angles. It serves to
symbolize that most things in life are transient. It also reminds the
audience that truth can be multi-faceted: all we can see is usually just
parts of a whole.
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